Zuni Fetishes

What are Zuni Fetishes?

A fetish is an object believed to have a power greater than the object itself naturally possesses. The Zunis believe that fetishes bring luck, power, or protection. A fetish that has been ceremonially blessed by a priest, or shaman, is considered to be a ”true” fetish. It would then be served in different religious ceremonies, or have magical purposes.

Most fetishes created today are called “carvings”, because they are made as art objects. But they could become true fetishes if properly blessed and used. While many Native American tribes produce and use fetishes, the most renowned fetish carvers are undoubtedly the Zuni, or Asiwi (ah-she-wee) as they call themselves. Zuni fetishes are not manufactured, nor are they produced on demand. Each carving is a handmade work of art.

Tied to the back of many fetishes are medicine bundles tightly bound with sinew. Coral in the bundle represents ocean life, blue represents night creatures, brown is earth, and white is winter. Some fetishes have an inlaid stone arrow. It is called a lifeline or heart line. Beginning at the mouth where breath gives life, it points to the soul where faith and inner strength preside. The arrow that is placed on the fetish is given for protection and good luck.

Zuni Mythology

The Zuni believe that the world was once covered by floodwaters, which left it swampy.  The Sun Father, revered by the Zuni as the giver of life and light, created twin sons.  The Twins realized the world was too wet for humankind to survive and needed to be dried.  The Sun Father had given his sons a magic shield, a bow (the rainbow), and arrows (lightning).  The Twins placed their shield on the earth, crossed the rainbow and lightning arrows on top of it, and shot an arrow into the point where they crossed. Lightning flew out in every direction, creating tremendous fire. Although this dried the earth, it made it too easy for predators to catch and eat people. So to save humanity, the Twins struck these animals with their lightning, burning and shriveling them into stone. But deep within, the animals' hearts were kept alive, with instructions to help humankind with the magic captured in their hearts. When a Zuni finds a stone that naturally resembles an animal, he believes that it is one of these ancient stone beasts.

The Zuni use fetishes for many purposes. Some enable hunters to catch game. Some make the game more plentiful. Fetishes can also play an integral part in curing ceremonies. They may protect not only the individual but the community as well.  Abundance and fertility, and associtevely, rain and bountiful crops are blessings a fetish can ensure.

The Zuni believe that animals are more like their deities than are humans.  They also believe that animals have more power than humans and that these powers, both practical and spiritual, reside in their fetishes.

Animal Meanings

ARMADILLO: slow, sure, in no hurry. Gets things right. Keeper of the Home.

BADGER: independent, may be sought out for healing based upon knowledge of herbs.

BAT: guardian of the night, cleaner.

BEAR: strength, introspection, spiritual journey through life.

BEAVER: power of working and attaining a sense of achievement, builder.

BUFFALO: endurance to overcome, great emotional courage, provider to all.

BUTTERFLY: the art of transformation, the ability to know, or to change the mind.

CORN MAIDEN: honored for nurturing her people with the flesh of her body, corn.

COYOTE: the master of tricksters who tricks himself, laughter, humor, and foolishness.

CROW: the keeper of sacred law.

DEER: the power of gentleness.

DOG: loyalty, noble, a true and loyal friend.

DOLPHIN: trust, loyalty, and spirit of friendship.

DUCK: spirits of those who have passed on.

EAGLE: creator, teacher, loyalty, great integrity, spirit connection to the divine.

ELK: teaches that pacing yourself will increase your stamina.

FISH: purifier, character, and ability to hide emotions.

FROG: bringer of rain, and abundance, and fertility.

FOX: camouflage, ability to meld into one’s surroundings and be unnoticed.

HAWK: messenger of the gods, to observe the obvious in everything you do.

HORNED TOAD: self-reliance, longevity, and protects ancestral bounty.

HORSE: swiftness, strength, enlightenment, possesses healing powers.

HUMMINGBIRD: messenger, stopper of time.

KOKKOPELI: fertility, music and joy.

LIZARD: conversation, and agility.

LYNX: the knower of secrets, clairvoyance ability.

MOLES: protector of the growing crops and the underworld.

MOOSE: headstrong, unstoppable, and longevity.

MOUSE: scrutiny, paying attention to detail.

MOUNTAIN LION: power of leadership, ability to lead without insisting others follow.

OPOSSUM: diversion, to use a great deal of strategy.

OTTER: laughter, curiosity, and mischievous.

OWL: can see what others are, essence of true wisdom, and deception.

PARROT: symbolic to the sun, as rainbows are the product of rain and sunlight.

PHEASANT: confidence, attraction, and flamboyance.

PORCUPINE: the power of faith and trust.

QUAIL: sacred spiral, ceremonial, holy.

RABBIT: virtue, serenity, low curiosity, quiet talent, and restrained passion. The special guardian of women in childbirth. Also associated with safe birth and long life for children.

RACCOON: bandit, shy, and resourceful.

RAM: sense of self worth, assures an increase in flocks.

RAVEN: magic, the messenger of the great mystery, a change in consciousness.

SEAL: family oriented, possesses power in numbers.

SHEEP: charity, elegance, and passion. Best at the art. Talents bring riches.

SKUNK: wary, conspicuous, and intense.

SNAKE: power of creation, of transmutation, life, death, and rebirth.

SPIDER: creative patterns of life.

SQUIRREL: natural intelligence, saver, and protects reserves.

TURKEY: smart, elusive, and festive.

TURTLE: oldest symbol of Mother Earth, longevity, and the art of grounding.

WOLF: teacher, pathfinder, sharing of your knowledge, and the never-ending journey.

The Six Directions

SKY: Multi-color, Eagle

NORTH: Yellow, Mountain Lion

WEST: Blue, Bear

EAST: White, Wolf

SOUTH: Red, Badger



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